A Tribute to Catherine A. Nardella, a 9/11 victim

I only know of Catherine through comments left on various websites. She was a person we would all be proud to know. She was brilliant, beautiful, gentle and loving. Her grieving sisters and niece made reference to her generous nature, her ever-present smile and the way she gave of herself to her family and community. High school friends grieve for her and co-workers gave the warmest assessment of her attitude and friendliness. She impacted many lives and is remembered by many as a very special person.
Her parents must have been so proud of Catherine. She was caring and giving, never expecting anything in return. From a large Italian-American family, one can only imagine the empty place in their hearts that can never be filled.
Catherine always strived to be a better person. She was active at her church and lent a helping hand to those in need. In particular, her priest spoke of her waiting each Sunday to help an elderly man down the stairs of the church. She was devoted to the church choir and she participated as a lector in the services. She was an individual who lived her best life. Catherine Nardella chose the person she wanted to be. Her loss is a loss to all of us.
MGT, Thank you for sharing Catherine Nardella with us. Such a light shines thru her eyes. I'm sure the heavens are a little brighter with her smile. I will be remembering Catherine, her family and friends in my thoughts and prayers.
Auntie Lyn
Lovely tribute. Thanks for doing this. I have put my tribute up on my site.
Thank you for the tribute. Here via 2996.
Catherine sounds like a lovely person who would truly be touched by this. I know she's smiling now, knowing we remember her, even if via online comments.
I only know Petey through comments left on various websites as well... and news articles. I'm proud to be a part of this project. I only hope no one ever forgets these fine people.
The amount of talent, love, and beauty taken from this world on Sept 11 is so tragic. Very well written. I'm sure her family would be proud to read that. I think you did Catherine's memory justice and I'm personally glad to have met her. Thanks also for commenting on my tribute.
Wonderful job. God Bless all of the familes of the 2996 victims. I love this projects because it reminds they are not just numbers but people, people that were loved.
That was a wonderful tribute! She was absolutely a beautiful person. We lost so many beautiful people that day.
Thank you for reading my tribute and leaving such a warm comment...:)
Thank you for volunteering to participate in this project. I know that it wasn't easy to try to memorialize someone we didn't even know - but you did a beautiful job. Were you ever able to find out where she was when she died?
Thank you so much for stopping by my tribute too.
What a beautiful smile! Thank you for taking the time and effort and letting me get to know a bit about her. Well done!
Now that mine is up I'm trying to read as many as I can. In doing so, I'm feeling very proud of my fellow bloggers.
Very nice tribute...
Mine is up also.
Thank you for sharing your tribute with us and allowing Catherine to be a person and not just a number.
I also appreciate you visited my blog.
very sweet tribute. my tribute to 9/11 victim Gregory Wachtler has been posted on 9/9
Bless you for this beautiful tribute. Thoughts of peace to you and yours today, and every day. With love! xox
a wonderful post! I am so proud to be part of this project with people like you.
By remembering each one, and praying for their families we gain humanity and fight insanity. God Bless you and all the 2996ers for your efforts here.
We will never forget!
I hope participating in this project has been as meaningful to you and other bloggers as it has to me. Your tribute was beautiful. There is no way to even imagine what we all lost on that day; but reading these tributes helps "bring it home" to us.
Hi Mrs Greenthumb ~~ A great tribute post as they all are. I particularly liked the poem that Jennifer posted about us all becoming ONE. I cannot comment on her blog as she has no OTHER option. Would you let her know how beautiful that poem is. Thanks for your kind words about my tribute. My brother Peter has put a photo on tonight for me. Let us all pray that nothing like that dreadful day ever happens again. Take care, Merle.
Very nice tribute! Thank you for giving me a glimpse into her life.
Thank you for stopping by and reading about Simon Weiser as well.
A lovely tribute. Mine is a firefighter from Rescue 5, Lt. Michael Russo. It's nice having their stories come to life...they were real, not just numbers.
That's such a nice picture too. It's hard to find the words to describe the lives of those whose lives were so tragically taken. You did as good a job as anyone, though.
Thank you for such a beautiful tribute. She sounded like a great gal. through your words you have put a face and heart to a name.
We will never forget.
I remember Lisa Egan
Moving tribute. She had such a beautiful smile...both inside and out. Thank you for visiting and allowing me to share Jon and Susan's tributes with you.
Thank you for this tribute. Surely she's be missed always. Lost but not forgotten.
What a very lovely tribute to a very beautiful young woman...
That is a fantastic smile...I feel so for her dear family and friends. Bless Catherine Nardella. And Bless you, too.
What a lovely tribute...we will never forget that day, so many lives were extinguished or changed. I'm busy catching up on all the posts I missed while I was away...congratulations on 47 years of marriage!! That is truly wonderful and you still have your sanity!! lol Hugs!
Catherine's eyes sparkle in this photo. What a vivacious and caring young woman she was. Thank you for honoring Catherine with this lovely tribute.
I remember Dominick Berardi on my blog.
Beautiful. Thanks for this.
You can tell just by looking at her picture that she was one that enjoyed her life. What a spirit.
Thank you for coming by my site and honoring Scott Davidson.
This was lovely! I think you did her tribute justice, indeed. She must have been a wonderful person to know, and I believe her family would be honored to read what you wrote.
I honored Amy King and Michael C. Tarrou from United Airlines flight 175.
Very nice tribute. It has been a trying 3 days since I started reading these. Sometimes I wonder if I will get to them all. I must continue to try.
Thank you for stopping by and reading about Max
Just finished reading your sister's tribute and now yours. Love the way these tributes really define the person. Up until now, they have been remembered for the way they died. Our tributes give us a chance to show everyone the way they lived, and that they are so much more than, as someone before me wrote, just a number, a cold statistic.
Popped by to say hello.
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