Football widow
I admit it, I'm unAmerican. I hate football. My husband loves football. It's only August and the games have already started at least 3 nights a week. The season lasts interminably. I have to watch TV alone, relegated to the bedroom. I looked up the schedule for the NFL. There's like 15 games a weekend!
It all started when I was a freshman in high school and I was in the marching band. We played at half time at every home game. It wasn't so bad in September but by the end of the season, we were freezing. Who wants to sit outside in a thin band uniform holding an ice cold French horn? After 4 years of that, I made a life long decision that I would never attend another football game.
My luck, I married a frustrated football player. He was such a skinny thing in high school that the coach never let him play in a game. So he enjoys this sport vicariously. Often our son in Houston calls and they watch the game together. How's that for father-son bonding?
I'm just grumbling because I didn't want to spend the evening watching my husband watch football on TV. There is only one thing that could get me to watch a game.

Ooooh, I like the one right up front in the middle.
Yes, I know what you mean. The two husbands should get together and they could sit and vegetate together. That's why I love blogging so much; it gives me a place to go (out of the living room) and talk with intelligent peers about really intellectual subjects, like butt-naked men running across a football field (eye candy).
That old adage, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" doesn't have much meaning in this situation. I don't really wish to join anyone endlessly watching grown men grunt, groan, sweat, squat, run, hit each other, and throw a brown ball covered in pigskin. And, have to listen to announcers interminably describing and discussing what they and the viewers are already seeing on the screen at that very minute. Give me a D, give me a U, give me an H, that spells DUH!!!
DOHHS, class of 1960. Go team.
ROFL I love it...I was never a football fan but I am NOW!!!! lol I used to watch a lot of baseball and hockey but not in the last few boys were into football but they used to have to watch it downstairs, I refused to be forced to watch that sport on MY upstairs tv! lol
I don't remember seeing that game. I'm sure that I would remember. :)
I enjoy football like your hubby, but if I had to give up either football or gardening there is no question that I would give up football. I quess I'm not a hard core fan.
I would also choose blogging and blog reading over football.
My dad used to take me to every pro football game he could find to attend. I loved going because I loved the peanuts, hotdogs and ice cream.
I guess I just loved the food.
I grew to love the game when my son played and I also like to go watch my grandson play football. My husband can't stand the sport and doesn't watch it on TV or does he like to go see it in person.
I only like football when a family member is playing in the game...other wise you can cram it.
Now, if they were dressed in the attire of your picture...I think I could force myself to watch...with pleasure. And wouldn't they look interesting hiking the ball, and then running to catch a pass. I'd better stop daydreaming...
and can somebody go get me a cold compress? *LOL*
This is my first visit to you blog having found my way here from Gary's blog. We are not American but my husband has been a serious fan of the game for years. While we lived in England, he would sit alone in the middle of the night (because of the time difference) and loyally support the Jets the whole season. Superbowl was always a huge event and is solitary pleasure never put him off. When I discovered there is someone out there who has taught Jewish cooking and who feels this way about football - I felt an instant bond. Your gardening is exquisite! I will be back. Thanks for a great read.
I'm a football widow, too. I feel your lonely pain.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. :)
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