Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

I am not surprised that the Lebanese government cannot or will not stop the fighting. I am sick at heart over all the civilian deaths in Israel and Lebanon. Deep in my heart, I knew 20 years ago that war would plague Israel forever until they overcame each enemy. After 2 wars, Egypt made peace with Israel. After 4 wars, Jordan made peace with Israel. I visited those countries 10 years ago. Their economies were better, they are poor countries without the resources of Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other oil rich countries. I made my first visit to Israel 20 years ago with 12 Christian ministers. Most of them came from black Baptist churches. Several incidents happened made me realize that the Muslim Arabs did not have our values, most were angry, even though they were citizens of Israel. I will say that the Christian Arabs had a different attitude.

Here are some images I took over 20 years ago on my first visit to Israel. As you can see, the Dome of the Rock is right next to the Western Wall, sometimes called the Wailing Wall. People come to pray, they write prayers on scraps of paper and push them into crevices. The Roman ruin is on the shore of the Sea of Galilee or Kinneret. It is where Jesus walked. We should pray for peace for ourselves, our children and our children's children. I hope this will happen in our lifetime.
I know you were upset after listening to this program. Just because someone holds a political place of power doesn't mean that they are that smart and can actually run a country or spout intelligent diplomacy. Thank you for sharing your outrage with us all. I agree -- something needs to be done now and the ones who are getting paid big bucks to arbitrate nonsense such as this just aren't doing their job.
I love all the photos you posted of Israel. It would be such a shame if one of those Lebanese rockets hit any of this holy places, wouldn't it?
A lot of these countries have never known anything but fighting...children are born and taught how to use machine guns! So it makes you wonder if there will ever be a world peace...of course it's something we all think about and want but will it ever happen? Wish I could answer that. As in all the wars, it's the innocent that get hurt or killed and that's what breaks my heart the most.
wow. very well spoken. we should all pray for the peace of jerusalem. Someday, I will get to go too
I'm glad you wrote about this and I agree with your sentiments. I wish there was something that I could do to prevent innocents from getting hurt on both sides.
It also would be a shame if any of the sacred places and artifacts get destroyed by shelling into Israel.
Thank you for sharing your pictures.
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