
I am a lover of horticulture, gardening and the environment. At age 8, I sent away for a package of Zinnia seeds for 10 cents and I've been hooked ever since. After 25 years of being self-employed, I retired. That only lasted 4 years and I now work in a water conservation program: I buy grass from homeowners who are willing to convert to desert landscaping and lose that thirsty green stuff. I pursue what interests me and you can blame my sister for getting me into this blogging thing.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Why I haven't been blogging

I have this pesky little critter that sits on my monitor and refuses to let me see the screen. Every time I sit down at my computer, she jumps up on the desk and seems determined to get in my way. I don't know how she figured out if I am working on the computer, she isn't getting any attention.

I didn't really want a long haired cat. We've had many cats in our 47 year marriage. This particular one, named Cassie the kitty, is extremely demanding. I should have realized that when we went to the animal shelter to adopt a cat. She ran out and wrapped herself around my husband's ankles. End of story. She chose him, not the other way around. She and Tova, our female Canaan dog, got along from the beginning.

When I have a dinner party, she is very interested in all the activities. She liked the size of my serving bowl and I had to throw the napkins out that I put into it. She decided it was a good place to take a snooze. She hates it when we have company, hiding in the closet until they leave. Some of our friends never realized we had a cat and she's been around for 4 years now.

Often she wakes me up at 3 AM by scratching on her post which is in our bedroom. I think that's going to have to change. All in all, this is the most annoying cat I have ever owned, or should I say, has owned me.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Finally, I finished a project

I am so bad about procrastinating. It's a burden when you have set a goal then just don't do it. About 10 years ago, I bought some beautiful handmade paper when we were in San Francisco. I had no idea at the time what I would do with the paper but it "spoke" to me. About 5 years ago, a co-worker, at my last job, was going to visit his parents in Japan and he had mentioned that his father did calligraphy. I asked if he would ask his father to write something for me on this paper that I had. I later learned that his father did calligraphy for the Emperor of Japan.

I thought the calligraphy was a good idea at the time. My friend, Kazuo, brought me back the phrase "long life" written in 5 different styles of calligraphy.

This weekend, I got my act together and I put the frames together, had special UV glass cut, mounted the paper on a black background and put it all together. This morning I hung them over our bed. I'm so pleased with how it came out.

Besides what could be better than having long life wished on you five times every single day. I hope that will be our karma.